Saturday, July 25, 2015

What in the name of Zeus does this title mean

Well, basically its a dad joke referring to a quote by the philosopher Descartes, from the Latin "Cogito ego sum." The actual quote and general gist is the following (thanks Google):

(philosophy) I am able to think, therefore I exist. A philosophical proof of existence based on the fact that someone capable of any form of thought necessarily exists.

Its just super convenient that my name is Amy, and so once you combine the two, you arrive at "I Think Therefore I Amy." Which is really quite appropriate if you know me - dad jokes and learning, two of my fortes.

Now before you start thinking I'm some random white chick living in an ivory tower braiding my golden locks and dreaming up cheesy / esoteric blog titles just for kicks, let me clarify - its more of a dirty blonde. 

Ha. See?

Anyway, this is my entrance back into the blogging world. I had one for several months a few years ago when I was living down in Buenos Aires, Argentina, documenting my trials and experiences in that confusingly glorious yet troubled city. Here's the link - its pretty amusing, at least to me. I might have even lol'ed a few times reading through some old entries. But then, I've always been my own biggest fan when it comes to humor. 

I'll generally be posting when I find the time and if I have something cool to say - most of what I think about would be classified as strange at best. I might also stray into the odd "how-to" or checklist, two of my favorite things in the world after food and food.  Maybe even a book recommendation or recipe. Who knows. The world is my oyster, so lets get cracking. (Get it. You crack oysters open...this is going to be fun I can feel it).

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